What We Do

What We Do
Android Apps The ones that reside on the user’s phone once they are downloaded from Play Store. They can be launched by tapping on their respective icons and their features can then be availed. Our engineers structure android apps considering the standards of opted platform and respecting the needs of clients. Choose us to own high performing and reliable android apps.
iOS Apps These apps can also be downloaded from the App Store which can then stay on the user’s phone for further use. These are the most popular apps that are known for offering abundant customer satisfaction. The iOS developers in our crew help you strategize and formulate apps that are a blend of all technical and business requisites. Give us your expectations and we’ll give you stellar iOS apps.
Web Apps Those apps that can simply be rated as the mobile or pocket version of websites. These apps load on the browsers like Chrome or Safari just as regular websites. If you aspire to make your web app be bookmarked by a bulky user base, employ the experts from Nageshwar Rao Softechs.
Big Data Big data is a term for data sets that are too large and complex. The traditional data processing application software’s are deficient to handle them appropriately. Big data generates several challenges including data capture, data storage, data updating, data analysis, data sharing, visualization, search, transfer etc.
Business Process   Outsourcing Nageshwar Rao Softechs has an all-inclusive suite of B.P.O. services in its portfolio. We provide a great flexibility and allow the Clients to concentrate on core business competencies by offering our Business Process Outsourcing Services. For over a decade, we have successfully accomplished hundreds of projects from reputed clients. We are currently partaking several Data Processing projects with private and public organizations.